Officials from the Foreign Economic Affairs Office Visit Jinteng to Promote the Benefits of the APEC Business Travel Card

DSC04210On August 15, 2024, Jinteng welcomed representatives from the local Foreign Economic Affairs Office (FEAO) for a productive and friendly discussion about the advantages and uses of the APEC Business Travel Card.

As a leading international trade company specializing in screws, Jinteng has established a strong presence in the global market. With frequent international business travel, the company greatly values efficient and convenient travel solutions. During the visit, FEAO representatives provided a detailed overview of the multiple benefits of the APEC card, including multiple entries, simplified visa procedures, and expedited customs clearance. These advantages are particularly valuable for companies like Jinteng that regularly send employees abroad for business activities.

Notably, Jinteng has made significant contributions to the economic development of Zhoushan over the years. The company has not only driven local economic growth but has also actively participated in various social welfare initiatives. In recognition of Jinteng’s important role and outstanding performance in the local economy, the FEAO extended special privileges to the company during this visit, emphasizing the convenience of the APEC card and its potential benefits for the business. The FEAO representatives expressed their support for companies like Jinteng, as their success in international markets helps further propel Zhoushan’s economic development and global integration.

Jinteng representatives warmly welcomed the FEAO’s visit and showed strong interest in the APEC card’s benefits. The two parties engaged in in-depth discussions on how to better leverage this advantageous policy to further enhance Jinteng’s international business growth. This exchange not only strengthened mutual understanding but also provided new insights and support for Jinteng’s future global expansion.

Jinteng stated that it would actively consider applying for APEC cards for its business personnel to better support its operations in the Asia-Pacific region, while continuing to contribute to Zhoushan’s economic prosperity.

Post time: Aug-15-2024